6 - The two witnesses of Revelation chapter eleven
The two witnesses of Revelation
chapter eleven is also the most misunderstood section of John's manifesto
against the Roman Empire. The first subject that must be explained is the
wording of the verses within this chapter. They are like the canvas background
to the chapter. The next issue is to explain the form of punishment being
presented to the audience as an allegory to the relationship between the
political centers of this story. The political cities being judged by John are
the two cities of Rome and Jerusalem. Of course, accompanied in this
allegorical story are the witnesses of the true believers composing of Jewish
and Gentile believers in the divinity of Jesus Christ. The last segment is the
story of the grafting of the Gentiles into the family of God. John, the writer
of the Book of Revelation, at times borrows not only from the Old Testament but
also writings and reports from his contemporaries of his time or era.
Canvas of the Two Witnesses
The canvas for Revelation chapter
eleven is broad and unique. The most interesting ingredient is the story of
Jezebel (1st Kings 16:31 and 2nd Kings 9:22) is more relevant to the whole
story concerning the Book of Revelation. Jezebel was mention by John at
Revelation 2:20. Jezebel within the previous verse highlights the canvas of
Revelation chapter eleven. It states everything: "Nevertheless, I have a
complaint to make: you are encouraging the woman Jezebel who claims to be
prophetess, and by her teaching she is luring my servants away to commit the
adultery of eating food which has been sacrificed to idols."
My interpretation to the verse above
is that the writer of the Book of Revelation, John, is under duress and may
have coded this to mean the Roman government to include an actual person by
that name that lived and participated at Thyatira. Some commentators of the
Bible and the Book of Revelation have stated that Jezebel was a Nicolaitan. I
disagree partly on this issue because the next verses, Revelation 2:21-24,
would fit the description of a symbolic description of another entity. The
entity is the Roman government of his day.
Revelation 11:3 mentions
"sackcloth" and this is connected with the Jezebel/Elijah story of
2nd Kings 2:8-9. The previous example is a reminder of the clash between these
two opposing individuals: Jezebel versus Elijah (1st Kings 18:13). John has a
way of combining past Old Testament storylines to represent symbolic entities.
Why? Because the story of the slaying of the prophets is repeated - Revelation
11:7 and 1st Kings 18:13. Now, accordingly we see the pairing of two: the
Jewish-Christians are Elijah and the Gentile Christians are Elisha. Also, the
Jewish-Christians are also represented as Joshua the High Priest and Gentile
Christians as Zerubbabel. The reason for the symbolic representation is because
of the mention of the Lampstands(or candlesticks) and the Olive Tree
(Revelation 11:4 and the Book of Zechariah chapters three and four). The
Lampstands are also mentioned previously to describe the mostly gentile church
(Revelation 1:20). This is why they are mentioned twice in Revelation 11:4
because the congregation is comprised of both Jewish-Christians and Gentile
Christians. The areas are Jerusalem and the lands outside of Jerusalem.
Revelation 11:1-2 is a reference to the Ezekiel second Temple prophecies.
However, only Ezekiel 4:13 mentions "gentiles" while Ezekiel chapter
forty has no mention of "gentiles" but mentions an individual
measuring the area. The Olive Tree is known to be the Jewish community as is
stated in the pre-captivity passages (Jeremiah 11:16). In the book of Jeremiah,
one of the books detailing the pre-captivity and post-captivity verses or
passages, the Jewish community is known by two allegorical descriptions: Olive
Tree (Jeremiah 11:16) and the basket of figs (Jeremiah chapter 24). The overall
subject is the pattern of pairs of two. This type of pattern will be explained
later in this chapter in the importance of having more than one witness. The
verses Revelation 17:16 and 2nd Kings 9:36-37 are similar but most importantly
it shows us the complexity of the writer's mind in taking a supposedly literal
event from the past and changing it into a symbolic representation. Revelation
17:16 says: "… shall eat her flesh " and the events of the death of
Jezebel stated in 2nd Kings are connected to convey a message concerning the
death of Rome.
Ezekiel 23:36-37 explains the nature
for the symbolic adultery. The mention of "gentiles" by John was to
emphasize what Paul stated in Romans 11:23-25 explaining the joining of Gentile
Christians with the Jewish Christians. Many commentators make the mistake of
concluding this is the grafting of the general Jewish community with Christian
Gentiles but this is not the case. Moreover, the symbolic adultery is now
understood to be the relationship between Jerusalem and Rome. Those who are
witnessing the "sin" are the "Body of Christ" (Ephesians
4:12) which is now to be understood to be the Jewish and Gentile believers of
Jesus Christ's divinity. The proof of this conclusion is Revelation 11:5, Acts
2:3 & Acts 2:16-17 and Joel 2:28 which now has identified who are the
witnesses of Revelation Chapter eleven. The witnesses of Revelation Chapter
eleven are the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians who have lived during the
era of the Roman Empire.
symbolic Punishment for Adultery and Fornication
The witnesses are now entering the
courtroom and Judge John is presiding. According to the passages in the Old
Testament it states: "stone her to death" (Deuteronomy 22:21,Leviticus
20:10). Ruth 4:9-11 shows the importance of witnesses and we have our witnesses
composing of faithful Jewish Christians and faithful Gentile Christians(the
term used - "faithful"- will be explained in another chapter).The
words by Jesus noted in the Gospel of John (John 8:4-11) is a departure of the
symbolic punishment given to Jerusalem and Rome (Revelation 18:21 and
Revelation 19:2). The positive identification given in court that
"Babylon" is an alias for Rome is noted by the words of Peter (1st
Peter 5:13). The punishment was given out by an Angel and the Angel through the
stone to punish the guilty party (Revelation 18:21) and this is now recorded in
court. This was to avenge the martyrs (Revelation 18:20).
The verse in 2nd Chronicles 21:11 -
"Moreover he made high places in the mountains of Judah, and caused the
inhabitants of Jerusalem to commit fornication, and compelled Judah to do the
same ". The punishment for this crime is light compared to what was given
to Rome. The city of Jerusalem was given its punishment as four lashes (The
four horsemen).
The four horsemen are the cycle of
the relationship between Rome and Jerusalem. Why? The four horsemen was already
explained and summarized in the Book of Jeremiah when describing the seven decades
captivity. The previous seven decades captivity was between Jerusalem and
Babylon. The four horsemen (Jeremiah 15:2) are symbolically represented as:
a. White Horse = captivity
(Revelation 6:2)
b. Red Horse = war/sword (Revelation
c. Black Horse = famine and
starvation through economic exchanges (Revelation 6:5-6) * This would also
explain Revelation 13:16-17 without explaining who is the "beast(s)"
as this is explained in an earlier chapters of one and two of this book - Book
of Revolution.
d. Pale Horse = death (Revelation
All four existed when Babylon
invaded Jerusalem as the relationship digressed into "death"
(Jeremiah 15:2). John observed the relationship between Rome and Jerusalem as a
repeat of the previous adulterous relationship. Both ventures would end up in
the complete removal of the Temple. Revelation 6:8 was manifested in A.D.70.The
intention of captivity happened earlier (2nd Kings 24:15) and was repeated in
A.D.70 because of the adulterous relationship between Rome and Jerusalem.
Therefore, the White Horse is represented as a false peace and the initial
process for the start of captivity. One important factor that must be
understood: If the Temple is not in existence the process could not be in play.
Therefore, John expected something to occur seven decades after the Temple's
destruction in A.D.70.Moreover, repeating the process years earlier according
to the past relationship between Jerusalem and Babylon.
The previous act of
fornication/adultery was performed previously and the guilty party has a
history of this act (Jeremiah 23:10). Even though, the sin of fornication was
cleansed through punishment (The captivity by Babylon) and redemption (Isaiah
52:1-6 and Isaiah 62:2, during the events of the building of the second temple
in Jerusalem after the Babylonian captivity). The process of punishment of the
lashes was performed in the previous fornication (captivity) with Babylon
(Zechariah chapter six) and now the current fornication (destruction of the
Temple and divorce from the general Jewish community in A.D. 70 by the Romans)
which is explained and noted (Revelation 6:1-17). The reason why I have
concluded the previous sentence with a profound conclusion is the repeated
theme from Jeremiah concerning "figs" (Jeremiah chapter twenty-four)
and this pattern is repeated in Revelation 6:13 - " And the stars of
heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree caste her untimely figs, when
she is shaken of a mighty wind. " The term "earth" is the city
of Jerusalem. This is also explained by Isaiah when he mentions
"earth" (Isaiah 65:17-18). The mention of the four horsemen of the
apocalypse was expressing the "Apocalypse" of the destruction of
Jerusalem in A.D.70 and not a future event. The four horsemen also represents
the digression of the relationship between God and the general Jewish community
but ends in the redemption of the city by Jesus himself (Revelation 21:2-6 and
Revelation 21:22). There is no future employment or usages for the "four
horsemen" because there is no physical Jewish Temple in Jerusalem to
initiate the process. Also, there are no sufficient and clear verses which
predicted the rise of Islam in Arabia.
Grafting of the Olive Tree
Romans 8:35 - " Who shall
seperate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation,or distress,or
persecution,or famine,or nakedness,or peril,or sword? "
The Jewish Mishna explains the
importance of witnesses during Rosh Hashanah. There is a possibility that the
descriptions contained therein is a good indicator of Jewish observances used
as a background to convey John's message:
(Mishna,treatise of Rosh
Hashanah,tract 4, chapter 4):
4. Formerly evidence as to the
appearance of the new moon was received the whole [of the thirtieth] day; but
as it once happened that the witnesses delayed coming, which interrupted the
Song of the Levites 3 [at the evening sacrifice], it
was ordained that witnesses should be admitted till the time of Minchah only,
and if any came after that time, that and the following day were kept as holy.
After the destruction of the temple, Rabbon Jochanan, son of Zaccai ordained,
"that evidence as to the appearance of the moon should be
received all day." R. Joshua,
son of Korcha says, "This too did Rabban Jochanan, son of Zaccai ordain,
viz. that wherever the chief of the tribunal might be, the witnesses need only
go to the place of meeting [of the Sanhedrin 4]." ( pg.165 )
(Mishna,treatise of Rosh
Hashanah,tract 8,chapter 1):
8. The following are considered
incompetent witnesses: gamblers with dice, usurers, 14 pigeon breeders, 15 those who trade in the produce
of the Sabbatical year, and also slaves. The rule is, that all evidence that
cannot be received from a woman cannot be received from any of these.
(Mishna,treatise of Rosh
Hashanah,tract 6,chapter 2):
6. In what manner was the
examination of the witnesses conducted? The first pair were always examined
first. The eldest of them being introduced first, the following questions were
put to him: "Tell us in what form you saw the moon; was it with her horns
turned towards the sun, or away from it? To the north or to the south [of the
sun]? What was her elevation on the horizon? Towards which side was her
inclination? What was the width of her disk?" If he said towards the sun,
his evidence went for nothing. The second witness was then brought in, and
examined; if the evidence was found to agree, their testimony was received as
valid. The remaining pairs of witnesses were then superficially examined, not
because there was any necessity for their evidence, but only not to disappoint
them, 8 and also to encourage them to
come another time.
(Mishna,treatise of Rosh
Hashanah,tract 1,chapter 3):
1. If the Beth Din and all Israel
saw the new moon, 1 or if the examination of the
witnesses had already taken place, but it had become dark before the word
"Mekoodash," 2 was pronounced, the month will
be intercalary. When the Beth Din alone saw it, 3 two of its members must stand
up before the others as witnesses, 4 who shall then say,
"Mekoodash, Mekoodash." When only three forming a Beth Din have seen
it, two of them must stand up as witnesses, and conjoin some of their learned
associates with the single one, 5 and then give their evidence
before these, who are to say, "Mekoodash, Mekoodash," because a
single member of a Beth Din has not this faculty by himself alone.
The last tract of evidence from the
Mishna explains to us why there are two pairs of Lampstands and Olive trees in
Revelation 11:4 - "These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks
standing before the God of the Earth". In other words, the nominal
Christians are separated from the "faithful" or strong Christians.
Only the strong Jewish Christians and strong Gentile Christians were able to
stand up against the Roman system and witnessed the "fornication" and
"adultery" between Rome and Jerusalem. The summary of this process is
given in the Gospel of Matthew 13:24-30 when it is explaining the
differentiation between wheat and tares. Ezekiel 37:22 is an example of the
unification or grafting of the Gentiles and Jews under the Messiah called Jesus
Christ. Even though the Ezekiel verse is appropriate for Second Temple
prophecies which were fulfilled hundreds of years earlier. The Gospel of
Matthew is more appropriate and even more relevant to the witnessing process. The
wheat and tares are separated accordingly through a test by witnessing the
"fornication" and "adultery" between Rome and Jerusalem
(Revelation 11:3-5). I fully believe that John was demonstrating his Jewishness
or knowledge of Jewish customs and simultaneously presenting the grafting of
the Olive Trees (Jewish-Christians) and the Lampstands (Gentile Christians).
The verse - Revelation 11:5 "..., fire proceed out of their
mouth,..." is explained by the verse in Acts 2:3 "And there appeared
unto them cloven tongues like as fire, and it sat upon each of them. "
Therefore, the verse in Revelation is describing a segment of the early
Christian community who stood up against the Roman authorities with
non-violence and equipped only with their words.
The equipment of force for the early
Christians was their own words (Revelation 11:6) as powerful as Christian-like
Moses against the new Roman Pharaohs. The Roman Empire is equipped not only
with swords but also with intellectual refuters both of which are like Korah
from Moses era (Revelation 11:7 / Isaiah 5:13-14 & Numbers 16:31-32) which
concluded in a Babylon-like Roman captivity for those who were not martyred by
Roman swords. Surely, the result was the destruction of the Temple and city of
Jerusalem in A.D. 70 by the Romans (Revelation 11:8) which was recorded by
Flavius Josephus:
"1. THUS did the miseries of
Jerusalem grow worse and worse every day, and the seditious were still more
irritated by the calamities they were under, even while the famine preyed upon
themselves, after it had preyed upon the people. And indeed the multitude of
carcasses that lay in heaps one upon another was a horrible sight, and produced
a pestilential stench, which was a hinderance to those that would make sallies
out of the city, and fight the enemy: but as those were to go in battle-array,
who had been already used to ten thousand murders, and must tread upon those
dead bodies as they marched along, so were not they terrified, nor did they
pity men as they marched over them; nor did they deem this affront offered to
the deceased to be any ill omen to themselves; but as they had their right
hands already polluted with the murders of their own countrymen, and in that
condition ran out to fight with foreigners, they seem to me to have cast a
reproach upon God himself, as if he were too slow in punishing them; for the
war was not now gone on with as if they had any hope of victory; for they
gloried after a brutish manner in that despair of deliverance they were already
in. And now the Romans, although they were greatly distressed in getting
together their materials, raised their banks in one and twenty days, after they
had cut down all the trees that were in the country that adjoined to the city,
and that for ninety furlongs round about, as I have already related. And truly
the very view itself of the country was a melancholy thing; for those places
which were before adorned with trees and pleasant gardens were now become a
desolate country every way, and its trees were all cut down: nor could any
foreigner that had formerly seen Judea and the most beautiful suburbs of the
city, and now saw it as a desert, but lament and mourn sadly at so great a
change: for the war had laid all the signs of beauty quite waste: nor if any
one that had known the place before, had come on a sudden to it now, would he
have known it again; but though he were at the city itself, yet would he have
inquired for it notwithstanding. "
(SOURCE: The War of the Jews or the
History of the destruction of Jerusalem, Book 6, Chapter 1,paragraph 1)
The previous evidence by Josephus is
evidence which John described the carnage by adopting Jeremiah’s four horsemen.
The topic returns to the two witnesses which are described in Revelation
chapter eleven. Revelation 11:12 is a rapture event of the two camps of
Jewish-Christians and Gentile Christians. The topic of the witnesses to include
Gentile Christians was a revision to Matthew 10:5-15. The previous was
supported by the Gospel of Mark (Mark 6:7-13).
The reason why Paul mentioned “dispensation” was to introduce a revision
to the previous Matthew passages (Colossians 1:25-27). In other words, John was
stating something which already occurred and repeating such events in
allegorical form. These events repeated is the earthquake which occurred after
Jesus' death was then borrowed by John to suggest the destruction of Jerusalem
and the Temple by the Romans (Revelation 6:12-13).
Joshua 10:20 seems to be like
Revelation 11:12 where the enemies where awed but in this case it is rather
spiritual in nature and not a physical bodily resurrection. Also, 2nd Kings
2:11 states a physical taking of Elijah. If John, the writer of the Book of
Revelation is stating an actual physical and bodily resurrection and physical
rapture then we have no written historical account of this event ever taking
place around 70 A.D. The enemies would have been in awe and spread the account
of the events of a physical resurrection and then rapture something which
occurred earlier in Matthew 27:52-53. Hence, the reason why Hosea 6:1-3 is
stated is to show that a physical and bodily resurrection is not possible but
rather a spiritual one. Later, I will present evidence that James' may have
used this after Jesus' death on Sunday morning the supposed day of his
resurrection. Paul addressed this problem in 2nd Timothy 2:8-18
where Hymenaeus and Philetus were observing Matthew 27:52-53 with Hosea 6:1-3.
The subject of the two witnesses expanded the scope of Matthew 10:5-15 to
include Gentile Christians.
The other evidence from the New
Testament is the events surrounding the martyrdom and stoning of Stephen in the
Book of Acts 7:54-60. In the previous passage, Stephen was delivered up by the
violent actions of the enemies of the Gospel (message) of Jesus according to
Paul. So, we now have conclusive proof that the two witnesses are a group of
people despite the mention of "two prophets" in Revelation 11:10. The
"two prophets" are the "two witnesses" according to the
earlier evidence presented therefore both entities would represent the faithful
"body of Christ" (Ephesians 2:15 and Ephesians 4:12). Therefore, the events
stated in Revelation chapter eleven are evidently around A.D. 70. When the
predictions did not occur according to what is stated in Matthew chapter
twenty-four then many non-believers verbally attacked the Christian community
and this forced John to produce the Epistles of John and the Gospel of John.
Furthermore, when John was then arrested and exiles to the island of Patmos the
Book of Revelation was composed as court document against the Roman Empire.
Romans 11:23-26 stated by Paul
explains the grafting of the Gentiles to the Jewish group of Jesus followers.
For Paul also states Romans 10:12 and this is confirmed by John when he states
the "12,000" and "144,000" in Revelation chapters seven and
fourteen. Paul emphasize the previous statements with Galatians 3:28 -
"There is neither Jew nor
Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for
you are all one in Christ Jesus".
Revelation 15:3 also explains the
grafting of the two groups: "And they sing the song of Moses the servant
of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and marvelous are true are your
ways, King of saints".
The grafting theme, the two witnesses, is not a unique idea among the New Testament writers. The idea of expanding citizenship to non-Romans was a practice among the Romans periodically and therefore it is theorized that the idea was adopted by Paul and later by John to incorporate gentiles into the fold of the Christian movement (Romans chapter eleven; and Revelation chapters seven, eleven and fourteen). The previous example was overall a dispute against Matthew 10:5-15 which only details the evangelization to the Jewish populace while neglecting the Gentile population. The Gospel of Mark, the third Gospel, speaks of the two witnesses in Mark 6:7-13 which was repeated by John in Revelation chapter eleven. The Gospel of John may have skipped the theme of the two witnesses but it was later adopted within the Book of Revelation. The Gospel of Luke, the next Gospel after Matthew, presents the term "Gospel" as representing Paul's revised or new doctrine (Luke 9:1-6 and Mark 1:27).
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