Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chapter 7 - The meaning of "Armageddon" and the creatures with breastplates(Nominal Christians)

Chapter 7 - The meaning of "Armageddon" and the creatures with breastplates(Nominal Christians)
Another misunderstood term is "Armageddon". To understand this new term the presentation of a canvas would clarify some of the confusion. The canvas is simply the background noise or background picture to the main evidence presented. "Armageddon" is a new term and only stated in the Book of Revelation. It is a combination of two terms. The addition in mentioning of the creatures of Revelation chapter nine is important to know the reason for the mention of "Armageddon" by the writer of Revelation. "Armageddon" is the symbolic war between the forces of good and evil before the crucifixion of messiah Jesus. "Armageddon" is an additional support evidence for the introduction of a timeline. It is synonymous, as it relates in the introduction of a timeline, to "wormwood" and "captivity" as these terms signal a literal seven decade cycle. Therefore, as will be proven, the term "Armageddon" is about a symbolic war between two forces and is a signal of what is truly the pre-tribulation era for the early Christian community. The next section will present the origin of the word "Armageddon" and how it has been misprinted by the translators of the Bible for many years. The following section will describe the identity of the creatures with the breastplates in Revelation chapter nine and why it is connected with "Armageddon". The last section will present the meaning of Revelation chapter sixteen as it relates to the term "Armageddon". Therefore, "Armageddon" is the metaphorical heart of Revelation chapter sixteen.
The Canvas
The background is identified as a struggle between two forces. These forces are the Jewish and Egyptian forces during the era of prophet Elisha located 2nd Kings chapter nine but emphasized by two verses: 2nd Kings 9:27-28 and 2nd Chronicles 35:20-22. The whole chapter from 2nd Kings chapter nine is one of the sources for the writer of the Book of Revelation. For example; 2nd Kings 9:7 = Revelation 17:6, 2nd Kings 9:10/2nd Kings 9:36-37 = Revelation 17:16, 2nd Kings 9:22/1st Kings 16:31 = Revelation 2:23 which are previous examples which could not be dismissed because the verse that illustrates this battle is 2nd Kings 9:27 where the term "Megiddo" is located. The whole episode of 2nd Kings 9:27-28 is describing a battle highlighting the failure of the forces of Israel which represents the unwillingness and disobedience in submitting to the dictates of the prophet Elisha. There are other verses indicating a borrowing theme by the writer of Revelation with the events surrounding Jezebel. There are various verses which will be presented in another chapter which shows a borrowing process by the writer of the Book of Revelation.
The additional background information presents the reason for the combination of two terms to create a new term called "Armageddon". The first term - "Megiddo" has to combine with another term to finally equate with "Armageddon". For it is another example of the meshing of two entities. The other verse of importance is located in the Book of Zechariah which is also an example of borrowing by the writer of the Book of Revelation. Zechariah 12:11 states in the King James Version of the Bible -"In that day shall there shall be a great mourning of Hadad Rimmon in the valley of Megiddon". The Zechariah verse is implying the previous story concerning the failure of King Josiah before his death through the hands of the Egyptian king or Pharaoh (2nd Chronicles 35:20-22).
The term "Armageddon" is now identified as the meshing or combination of two terms - "Megiddo" and "Megiddon". The supporting evidence which presents "Armageddon" as a symbolic description and term in describing the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus is described in Zechariah 12:9-14. The supporting evidence which supports the previous statement is Zechariah 12:10 mentions "pierced" and the part of the verse mentioning "pierced" is also stated by John in Revelation 1:7! Zechariah 12:10 is so similar to Revelation 1:7 when the term "pierced" is concentrated and contemplated by the reader. The writer, John, is making a connection between his new term, "Armageddon", and with the subjects contained in both 2nd Kings Chapter nine and Zechariah chapter twelve. Both of these sources would give us an amalgamation of "Armageddon":
(1)The spiritual war between the forces of Messiah Jesus and those against his message before his crucifixion.
(2)The term "Armageddon" is created through the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus.
(3)The final battle formed through the resurrection of Messiah Jesus compared to the no resurrection event for King Josiah (2nd Kings 23:29-30 & 2nd Chronicles 35:20-22).
In other words, Messiah Jesus is represented as a spiritual King who has physically and spiritually defeated death according to the understanding of John. Moreover, Messiah Jesus is the only Jewish king to have defeated death through resurrection as understood by John and Paul.
This is the background picture in which John, the writer of the Book of Revelation, wanted to present to his audience. It is not a future battle nor a global war in which the Earth is completely destroyed for a thousand years or before a supposed literal Millennial reign. It is simply detailing the events surrounding the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus of Nazareth. It is a signal in describing a timeline of where and what is the "tribulation".
In this case, the pre-tribulation era is noted and identified as a time before Messiah Jesus crucifixion. Also, the era of "tribulation" is now known to be described as after the crucifixion of Messiah Jesus ( Revelation 1:9 ).The other reason for using the term "Armageddon" was to present the idea of an undefeated Jewish King who is now King over both the believing gentiles and fellow believing Jews-Christians.
The timeline presented by John is now understood clearly:
(1) The Pre-Tribulation is before Messiah Jesus crucifixion.
(2) The Tribulation is after Messiah Jesus crucifixion
(3) "Armageddon" is the crucifixion and resurrection of Messiah Jesus over both the spiritual and physical forces of evil.
(4) The Great Tribulation ( Revelation 7:14 ) is the era after the destruction of the Jewish Temple in A.D. 70 which supposedly would last seven decades and therefore ending in A.D. 140, The event of the "rapture" was to happen at A.D. 140 signaling the beginning of the thousand year reign. The previous presentation was John’s amendment of Paul's Dispensational theory which describes the error of the Temple being desecrated in comparison to John's Millennialist theory describing the destruction of the Temple by the Romans as a step before the "rapture" and thousand year reign of messiah Jesus.
The Origin of the term - Armageddon
There are two meanings derived from the term "Armageddon". The two meanings are both meant to be “spiritual” or metaphorical and within the context of the era of the Roman Empire. The symbolical war is set with the historical location of the battle site called "Megido" and the other spiritualized meaning is derived from the term "Megiddon". The combined meanings are summarized, through one evidence, in the Book of Isaiah where the "Ar" is derived from. The Book of Isaiah chapter fourteen tells of a spiritual battle between the forces of good and evil according to Isaiah. The "Ar" is derived from the Hebrew term and the PolyGlot Bible source is presented to show the source of the two letters:
The true meaning is derived from PolyGlot Bible of Isaiah 14:13 -
הָרָר ‎ hârâr
From an unused root meaning to loom up; a mountain: - hill, mount (-ain).
Therefore, we have the true representation: " HarMageddon " which is the combination of two terms.
Isaiah 14:13 states according to the King James Version of the Bible (KJV) -"For thou has said in the heart, I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God? I will sit also upon the MOUNT OF THE CONGREGATION, in the sides of the North…"
The sources given derive from the Book of Isaiah and the previous chapter from the Book of Zechariah are mentioning past events before the birth of Jesus. Isaiah chapter fourteen is primarily about the era of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar. The reason for this conclusion is presented in verse four of the same chapter. Isaiah 14:4 has clearly identified the era of which the verse was intended. Isaiah chapter 14 has even summarized the role and identified 'Gog and Magog' through verses 16-23. Isaiah 14:22 even mentions "Babylon" which implies that King Nebuchadnezzar is a symbolic representation of 'Magog' and his spiritual forces are 'Gog'. Therefore, the identification of Ezekiel's 'Gog and Magog' has been identified through Isaiah chapter fourteen. Therefore, it also gives an appropriate timeline for Isaiah chapter fourteen. Therefore, we also found the section of where St. Augustine of Hippo gets his interpretation from and he properly identifies who and what is 'Gog and Magog'. The deduction, of course, is the location of where the proper spelling and meaning of "Armageddon" is derived.
The proper term and spelling for "Armageddon" is "HarMageddon". The intention for the meaning of "HarMageddon" is the combination of two meanings and terms - Megido and Megiddon.
The "congregation" part of Isaiah 14:13 -
מועדה מעד מועד
מוֹעֵד מוֹעֵד מוֹעָדָה ‎ mô‛êd mô‛êd mô‛âdâh
mo-ade‘, mo-ade‘, mo-aw-daw‘
From 3259properly an appointment, that is, a fixed time or season; specifically a festival; conventionally a year; by implication, an assembly (as convened for a definite purpose); technically the congregation; by extension, the place of meeting; also a signal(as appointed beforehand): - appointed (sign, time), (place of, solemn) assembly, congregation, (set, solemn) feast, (appointed, due) season, solemn (-ity), synagogue, (set) time (appointed).
The above would clarify the true intentions of both writers: Isaiah and John. The writers were both expressing a symbolic clash of their concept concerning good and evil. Both writers and sources expressed the spiritual manifestation of 'Gog and Magog'. They both have presented to the readers the symbolic clash theme from the defeat of the Jewish King Josiah. The only difference is that John clearly expresses the names of 'Gog and Magog' while Isaiah does not expresses it but implies the term. Only through Ezekiel's writings do we observe explicit use of the term 'Gog and Magog'. John seems to have inherited both symbolic entities. These two entities are 'Gog and Magog' and 'HarMageddon'. John has clearly adopted these terms and incorporates them into his treatise. Therefore, expressing the 2nd manifestations of these terms and even recycled the seven decades theme of "wormwood" from Jeremiah.
Revelation 16:16 - " And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon."
Revelation 16:16 - " And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue ....
The reason is because it is a Hebrew word rather than its Latin or Koine Greek transliterated version. The meaning is not meant to be literal but a spiritual congregation of both good and evil forces according to John. The spiritual meaning is not only tied with the crucifixion of the human Messiah Jesus but also presents to us a constricted timeline. The crucifixion of Jesus was meant to be a witnessing of all Christians. The believers and the nominal followers are later separated through a process to determine if they are true or false believers. John, the writer of the Book of Revelation, is presenting to us a spiritual form of the Nehushtan (Numbers 21:8-9 and 2nd Kings 18:4) by presenting to us two locations which will show a contrast between true believers and false believers. True believers are the ones who not only accepted the Gospel of Jesus but also spiritually witnessed his crucifixion and believed in its symbolic representation. The "witnessing" is explained through the two prophets of Revelation chapter eleven which it describes two groups of people coming out of the 'Body of Christ' or the overall Christian community. In other words, two ‘believer’ groups coming out of the group of four symbolic bodies while the other two entities being the nominal Jewish-Christians and the nominal Gentile Christians. The clue that ties both chapters together is Revelation chapter 9 and Revelation chapter 16. The verses are Revelation 9:11 and Revelation 16:16 because of the phrase: " In the Hebrew tongue...".
The Creatures with Breastplates
The reason for the mention of the creatures with breastplates by John was briefly explained in Chapter four of this book. The creatures with breastplates are the nominal Christians or the hypocrites within the overall Christian community. In other words, the creatures with the breastplates are the Jewish Christians and Gentile Christians who oppose the Gospel or dogma of either John or Paul. Furthermore, these are the non-two witnesses of Revelation chapter eleven. Remember, two olive trees (Jewish-Christians) and two candlesticks (Gentile Christians) are represented in Revelation 11:4. Only one of each became true believers (Revelation 11:3). Therefore, resulting in two loyal prophets who faced martyrdom because of their refusal to obey the Roman system (Revelation 11:10) expressed in the Roman marketplace where the metaphysical and material ideological struggle is fought. Furthermore, these two prophets are the true believers within the ‘Body of Christ’being the Jewish-Christians and Gentile believers. The evidence is stated by clues.
The first clue is the term "bottomless pit" which is located in both Revelation 11:7 and Revelation 9:2,11. Now, we have identified the creatures with the breastplates coming out of the bottomless pit. They are the nominal Christians within the 'Body of Christ' or the overall Christian community. Moreover, the meaning of the two previously stated chapters have been established. The subject of Revelation chapter nine is about the straying and behavior of the nominal Christians or hypocrites within the Christian community through their participation at the Roman marketplace where idols are stationed when buying and selling are transactioned. The previous is expressing an inner disagreement between Paul and John (1st Corinthians chapter eight and Revelation 2:14,20). The previous disagreement resulted in a split between the two (2nd Corinthians 12:1-7). However, there is an agreement to add the Gentiles into the fold of believers (Romans chapter eleven, Revelation seven and fourteen). Revelation chapter eleven is about the loyalty and martyrdom of the true or believing Christians who are given the classification of the two prophets. The "bottomless pit", an earlier symbolic reference, is mentioned in the Book of Numbers as Korah's followers are swallowed by a pit.
The second clue is the mention of the "breastplates". The imagery of the breastplates derives from the obligations of the Jewish priests during the days of Moses (Exodus 28:15-30 and Exodus 39:8-21). Paul mentions the "breastplates" of faith (Ephesians 6:14) and explains throughout chapter six of the Book of Ephesians how a Christian is to retains one faith by employing a metaphorical expression of the "breastplates" of Moses. John seems to be using a similar expression but in a clearly opposite manner. John, the writer of the Book of Revelation, is stating that the ones with the "breastplates" are the hypocrites or the nominal Christians within the Christian community. Later, it will be shown that John and Paul were close companions during the struggle and they had a disagreement concerning one subject: The foods bought and sold at the Roman marketplace were idols were given honor or worship.
The third clue is the mention of their power. The only power they have which is just as powerful as Roman swords: their words. Revelation 9:19 mentions "For their power is in their mouth,.." this phrase summarizes the power of the hypocrites within the Christian community. In contrast, the power of the believing Christians is also their words (Revelation 11:5 and Acts 2:3). The mention of their power - mouth - is a summary of the whole chapter mentioning their deeds which is throughout Revelation chapter 9. Why? Because they would not harm those with "the seals of God on their foreheads " (Revelation 9:4). In other words, those with the seals are true believers and the whole chapter hints of the destiny of the creatures with the breastplates as being doomed to enter hell.
Why would John speak in such indirect manner and not mention those by name? For instance, not to mention the Roman emperors by name and used a number only- 666 - to identify one previous Roman Emperor? And why would he only mention the name of a pagan God in Revelation 9:11? It is known through the writing of St. Augustine of Hippo that there were Roman laws against libel and slander:
"12. The Romans granted poets license to slander the gods, but not to libel men" (City of God, Book 2, Chapter 12)
By reading this whole chapter of the City of God, the writings of St. Augustine of Hippo, do we finally get to understand the reason of why John figuratively used words and phrases to indirectly attack various individuals and groups of people within his final treatise and court statement. This is why some chapters within the Book of Revelation are symbolic stories using poetic imagery concluding, according to the author, in the eventual “eternal damnation” of various entities.
The real goal is the proposed theory that the New Testament canon is implying the ending and abrogation of the seven decades cycle, always initiated when the Temple is destroyed, through the return of Jesus. Of course, the return of Jesus has been proven false while preserving the new relationship between Jews and non-Jews within the new faith or belief system.

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