Sunday, November 20, 2016

Chapter 31 - The Power of the Few Curve

Chapter 31 - The Power of the Few Curve

The power of the few is the result concerning the dynamics between the business firms and the current manifested forms of government. It is suggested, in the absence of a near communist utopia, the business firms are the actual rulers of society. They are the gate keepers for what is allowed in society. For instance, they allow which religion is to be expressed within a specific country and society. They control the courts and legislative body. They control which spatial geographic features are constructed on land and sea. They control what is consumed and produced. The previous more so as factual during the modern age.

The Power of the Few Curve

The above representation shows that on the right the conservative core existed in the past. The conservative core represented the single ruler. These single rulers were the monarchs and past tribal leaders. The usual leadership pattern of the past is a feature of the pre-modern era: single ruler reinforced with the derivatives of religious beliefs. However; when modernism, along with the proliferation of science and technology, became a predominant feature of human consciousness then the noted few ruled the said country. The reason is because the modern era removed the divinity and fear of the sole ruler. The power shifted, because of the ever onslaught of science and technology, to the few business owners (or a few persons even in a non-technological communist country). This power shift is a liberalization of the past conservative ruling political power. The RED LINE are the business owners operating within a liberal democracy and political landscape. If allowed to proliferate, during the condition of this time period, then it would become a neoliberal identification and general political condition. It would be logical to conclude where the red line meets the curve the neoliberal condition exists. It would be called the Neo-Liberal vertex point.  The destination point, towards the lower right, is the condition of near communist utopia. Which is a condition where government no longer exists because high technology circulating within society would at this time dissolve government of any form. The state entity was simply a tool by communists to achieve this condition. The previous is a distinguishing argument between anarchists and communists. Anarchists are for total destruction of government without taking control of government or the existence of high technology. Communists would dissolve the business firms immediately, to centralize the government control of society, and then introduce the high technological industries themselves to attain the near communist utopia. Of course, history has shown that when communists attempt to do this it results in the opposite affect with the removal civil liberties. The red space is therefore the theoretical separation between a functioning technological liberal democracy and the near communist utopia condition. The former is more practical and the latter a theoretical construct.

The functioning technological liberal democracy allows the input of the business firms in society but controls them through sensible legislation and regulations. The "sensible" compass directed by the measure of nature rather than mankind or the unseen measure. This is shown as it heads towards the right point but is separated, theoretically, from the near communist utopian point. Most importantly, in a functioning technological liberal democracy, civil liberties are preserved in a republican form of government. The meaning of "republican" is the absence of a pure democracy and that a representative republic is operating. The meaning of "liberal" is the separation of conservative core representation of political power through a single leader. Such regulations of the business firms is more possibly a reality as global warming becomes the norm.

The evolution of the conservative core and its derivatives

The showcase of such evolution is shown between the four gospels. The change of theme between the Pauline Dispensationalist documents (The three Gospels of Matthew, Luke and Mark) and the Millennial document (The Gospel of John). The previous thoroughly explained, in an earlier chapter, concerning the Book of Hebrews and its questionable authorship. In the pre-modern era, religions reinforced the leadership of human society. Only in ancient Greece, the absence of religions, as a philosophical thought, was allowed to exist in a social laboratory setting expressed in one or many of the city-states. In a general debate, the previous, such philosophical expressions was expressed by those exposing its absence and the reinforcement of beliefs through two ancient Greek philosophical trends: The sophists' "Man is the measure of all things" and Plato's "Unseen measure".

What has been observed since the dawn of the modern age, since the 1500s, is the decrease of the importance of the conservative cored leadership of a single government entity in a single person. Furthermore, what has occurred is the proliferation of religious sects since 1500. The introduction of secular conservative manifestations and movements has also occurred after the late 1700s. The Industrial revolution has not only increased the proliferation of consuming products but also increased conservative reactions to the influx of technology into society. The previous is why these conservative manifestations, and its derivatives, are termed "reactionary". While the liberal actions, like the increase of pro-environmental consciousness, has resulted in pro-environmental movements. Liberal actions are such as "actionary" because it deals with the problem as a current reality and does not convey nostalgic tribal sentiments.

These social manifestations are both liberal and reactionary conservative. The liberal component is more in the acceptance of such phenomena while the "reactionary" is simply a nostalgic attempt to psychologically capture the pre-modern era within the age of technological and industrial advancements. The latter is more dangerous because weapons of war are more sophisticated than the previous era of pre-modernism. The previous is why the separation of religion and government must be observed by all current governments after the irreversible social process of modernism.

The increase of more religious sects are also more common as the religious interpretations attempt to parallel, and explain away, technological and scientific advancements into society by the business firms. The previous Biblical showcase has presented this social phenomena with the transformation of the Dispensational viewpoint into the Millennial viewpoint within the New Testament canon.

These social conservative reactions, and reactionary movements, has not only endangered the human race but has disrupted liberal democracy. It has created setbacks to the forward movement of the transformation of the social/political phases of early liberal democracy into full technological liberal democracy where civil liberties are preserved.

Such setbacks are allowed to fester during the competing shifts between the few on top of the money pyramid. These setbacks occur because some business firms benefit from old technology while preventing new technology from being manufactured and introduced into society. The previous competition exhibited between the business firms should be allowed but within the framework of keeping a functioning liberal democracy.

The definition of a Liberal person is a person who has accepted the realities of the current proliferation of knowledge and science throughout society. The Liberal person is therefore freeing themselves from the old spirit of the conservative cored leadership, and its current fossilized social derivatives, by embracing the new realities of modernism. "Liber" is the root of where the definition "Liberal" derives and it means to free the person from the conservative pre-modern plethora of notions. This is where the "individualism" of Alexis De Tocqueville, in Democracy in America, derives from. The previous is a summary of Alexis' observation concerning America and its dynamics between the business firm entity, government and persons. Out of his many observations and predictions, the danger of the business firm(s) taking over government was one of his fears. The previous, neoliberal condition, is a threat to the existence of the young American republic.

Alexis explains the previous in one chapter of his book - Democracy in America - where individualism is fully evaluated according to the social laboratory settings of his era. In the chapter - Chapter IV(4) That the Americans combat the effects of individualism by Free Institutions - Alexis gives us a conservative viewpoint or lenses to the American liberal condition. It must be noted that Alexis' views are tainted with conservative viewpoints with some hints of truth.

Alexis' "individualism" was noted as an American feature and has some important showcases despite the various flaws in American history........

Chapter 30 - Global Warming Factor

Chapter 30 - The Global Warming Factor

The factor of global warming has already introduced the need for centralized government at a dangerous stage where high technology is not in circulation to sufficiently answer the current human needs. This is what we are currently observing as fact:

Pollution --> Global Warming --> Increased Desertification --> Increased Urbanization --> Decreased Civil Liberties.

There are many countries which fit the above scenario in a local setting. Especially in parts of Africa where increased desertification has affected public policy of the said country. There is a strong possibility that many countries will experience increased flooding and submerging because of disappearance of the polar ice caps. Many islands in the pacific will disappear and as some are actual countries. Therefore, we will lose countries in the future. The only solution is for the development of space industries and green industries. The former for space exploration and the later to preserve what the human race has left on earth. Space exploration to settle on all of our planets and utilize their resources to explore our corner of the galaxy and beyond. Such exploration is part of the human experience and human impulse. This drive is to naturally escape urbanized governments and find new resources. Green economies are implementable throughout all countries while space industries are limited to a very few.

The facts are that human activity is adding to the existing natural warming stages of the Earth. The previous could be attained through the research of physical geographers showing that natural global warming existed. Nevertheless, human activity, through business firms output as new technology, will be an addition to the natural global warming condition.

'Nature is the measure of All Things'

In the pre-modern era, the philosophical debate has been between the sophists and the followers of Plato. It may be argued that some of the followers of Plato were stoics. The sophists believed that 'Man is the measure of all things' while the followers of Plato believed 'The unseen is the measure of all things' or the 'Unseen measure'. The latter allows the hint of a creator or god into the equation of reality. The former, the sophists' position, is an indicator which leads to the possibility of atheism. The onset of the modern age, after the year A.D. 1500, has resulted in a third formula: 'Nature is the measure of all things'. The previous is more apparent after the industrial revolution where industrial waste was known to create hazards for human beings. The increase consciousness to preserve nature has been the rally cry for many as rural geographical distinctions decrease over the years yielding to more urbanization.

The formula, for the above phenomena, is presented as such:

Nature --> Scarcity --> Material Policy --> The Person

As nature is disturbed, through pollution, the increase specter of scarcity occurs. Scarcity determines consumer prices especially for the decrease of food items. These disturbances allows for the shaping of a projected material policy. The previous is not only a phenomena but a proven truth which negates the two previous Greek philosophical positions.

There are also various historical examples where dramatic climate change forced migrations......

Chapter 29 - 'Omnia Sunt Communia'

Chapter 29 - 'Omnia Sunt Communia'

The observation given by Thomas Müntzer is accurate when describing the social relationship between the ruled and rulers. Thomas was a contemporary of Martin Luther and gave sermons throughout Germany during the time of the birth of the Christian Protestant movement. What were the conditions which forced his observations? It was the rebellion of the peasants because of their conditions of poverty which led to the social upheaval. In other words, the increased spectacle of poverty among the German Christian populace. Martin Luther addressed a problem which originated from social inequality and focused on the lack of justice among the Christian community. Thomas Müntzer touched, through sermons and the act of rebellion, the actual core of the problem. A problem which exposes the flaw of the Christian religion: the lack of material justice or equity in response of the influx of new technological social changes. Thomas Müntzer goes on to say before his death in Latin:

omnia sunt communia

– "all things are to be held in common and distribution should be to each according to his need".

In political science, the above showcase presents the invalidity of symbolic policy versus the validity of material policy. The strength of the previous has produced true and proven doctrines even in the academia of psychology. For instance, Abraham Maslow's 'hierarchy of needs' is the proven formula and doctrine based on the material realm. Karl Marx' observations are based and proven through the rebellion of the German peasants during the time of Thomas Müntzer. 

Why is the above so relevant and universal? 

All forms of technology deriving from various manifestations of the business firm entity creates the social ills and social disturbances. During this time of Martin Luther and Thomas Müntzer, it was the invention of the printing press which represented the "new technology". The business firms, potentially one or several lucky business firm(s) - through elastic dynamics, could create what is called - Creative Destruction - in the economic market sphere of a country and countries. "Creative Destruction" occurs when a new technology put out of business old technology therefore creating mass unemployment. The previous discussed by both Joseph A. Schumpeter and Karl Marx. The previous is the nature of capitalism and not just "crony" capitalism. This is why it is crucial that a stable, strong and reasonable state entity has to exist to prevent the opposite from manifesting - social rebellions and open violence against fellow citizens. It is the "Creative Destruction" of the economic market, eons or years of human historical production, which has made countries wealthy or poor. It has caused swings in the market and for the flow of wealth to be exchanged between competing countries. The invisible variable or factor is "religion". In fact, all forms of religion, deriving from the minds of human beings and humanity-at-large (social dynamics) are molded by economic markets. The previous is a thesis by Marxist academics and showing that materialism guides humanity's decisions and destiny. Furthermore, what is given as a solution, by Marxists, is the centralized control of society and government to curtail the effects of the various acts of the business firms. However, this early implementation, without the existence of high technology circulating in society, deriving from the competition of business firms, has resulted in disastrous totalitarian regimes or governments which have sacrificed civil liberties in the pursuit of centralized government and its objectives. One of its social objectives is the absence of money but without high technology such Marxistic communist ventures will not be successful. The outlook, or world-view by Marxists, is that the business firms represent decentralization and a departure of the early tribal centralized control by a single leader. In the next stage of development (in the current setting), Marxists envision themselves as the technological manifestation of the previous tribal leadership. The alternative, in the absence of high technology, is socialism where money still circulates and the business firms could still exist. The previous would also guarantee the preservation of civil liberties within a sensible social equilibrium between the existence of a larger "Leviathan" government versus social chaos (rebellions) until high technology is introduced by the business firms. What is "high technology"? Technology which could address the needs of humanity-at-large at a reasonable and equitable condition expressed through 'hierarchy of needs'.

What Martin Luther fails to realize is that the problem derives from the business firms themselves! The Christian religion, since its founding, has not really addressed the actual problem. The previous problem also exists within Islam and other belief systems. All forms of religions are conservative reactionary tools attempting to fix the new manifested liberal social trends deriving from the introduction of new technology into society. Martin Luther's reactions and acts towards the problem was to attack the Catholic Church's indulgences of "sins", through its pardons by acts of its followers, and to promote the primitivism stated within the Book of Acts. The Christian primitivism, discussed in earlier chapters, is to suggest that Christian followers are to surrender all their wealth and not engage in any form of violence. The previous two points are some of its pillars. The problem was exposed as a contradiction versus human behavior. In other words, to actually implement Christianity, in its pure form following the words of Jesus himself, would weaken "Christian" countries against their competitors. The previous is observed as such as Martin Luther's view against Islam was viewed as pacifism but actually expressed Jesus orders expressed in the New Testament. The other profound problem, rather the conservative reaction, has been the implementation of social regulation based on religious precepts. The previous episode proven to be a failure by my own English ancestors through the implementation of the Parliament of Saints by Oliver Cromwell's leadership. All the mentioned manifestations will eventually lead to some or most citizens of a country experiencing the removal of "unalienable Rights". These rights are imprinted overall as civil liberties which are natural rights reconstituted through a "Leviathan" government. The tragedy of the removal of civil liberties, showcased through English history, is an example of the improper implementation of religious precepts.

The irreversible flow diagram is presented as such:

Business firms output --> Technology--> Increased liberalism & the decrease of religions --> Constitutions of Countries expressing the changing social fabric --> Near communist utopia or condition.

The presented flow diagram is an irreversible process despite periods of social conservatism, war-in-response, or the temporary increase of religious observances, and the increase of religious sects. The power of technology has molded minds, and eventually governments, to its eventual human final destination - Near communist utopia. The previous predicted by Karl Marx himself (before my late additional input). No doubt, that some of his predictions were evidence for slow social evolutionary changes rather than immediate revolution. However, the political malpractice is focused on his remedies rather than his correct identification of the symptoms. The reason why business firms must exist is the same reason why eventually the people will call for near communist governments in the future despite periods of reactionary governments. The output of the business firms provide the needs of human beings but at the same time introduces new social liberal trends and reactionary dangers. These social liberal trends are a permanent feature of a counter-culture deriving from the competition of business firms establishing their own social regulations within the dynamics of workplace competition.

Increased globalization is a natural reaction to the introduction of increased new technologies which have created a global laboratory of creative destruction. The proper act is to have a responsive and sensible government to address the devaluation of important items. The previous economic paradigm suggests that a state entity (leviathan) has to exist to preserve civil liberties deriving from the social contract itself.

Of course, there will be temporary increased reactionary governments but these will either first destroy large segments of humanity or be removed by the people themselves initially or later. The end result being the creation of a near communist utopia. Social Alienation and the various epidemics of over-production, results of the influx of new technologies into the economic market and its interaction with the human race, has resulted in two opposing camps among the surviving human beings: revolutionary and reactionary. The former guided by the pursuit of inclusion through social justice and the later submitting to their near-sighted sole tribal exclusionary impulses.

My own observation, or theory, is that a third column is being created during the process. This third group later decides which two main groups to join when social and political tensions arise. This particular category of people are apolitical until a material benefit is removed by the winning political faction controlling public policy. They are by-products of consumer capitalism and express a type of selfishness deriving from the (neo)liberal condition. They are "market consumers" as Benjamin R. Barber suggested in Consumed. They are branded as such and because of their sole occupation in consumption are a third group by themselves. They are yet revolutionary conscious or reactionary infected. The differentiation between the two mentioned main groups is simple to distinguish because the former is far sighted and the later is near sighted. In other words, one is for the future of mankind and the other is limited by tribal impulsive selfish interests.

These market consumers, the holders of hyperconsumerism and Herbert Marcuse's 'One-Dimensional person', are ideally nihilistic towards all but themselves. In fact, they are exhibit A for the reason why there is no such thing as "postmodernism". These market consumers are such because they concentrate on one factor - consumption. The market consumers are one-dimensional because they do not vote and are not conscious of other issues around them. The previous is the definition of "Nihilism" in the so-called postmodern age. The theory is then put forward: In the absence of a so-called postmodern age, Nihilism is exhibited in the market consumer person who later would create the modern nihilistic crisis. On page 217 of Consumed, by Benjamin R. Barber, explains the problem of the formation and effects of the One-Dimensional person:
 " ...although not totalitarian, robs liberty of its civic meaning and threatens pluralism's civic vitality."

 No doubt, that the main two groups, involved in liberal democracy, dictates public policy. While the third group also assists the later. The main feature of liberal democracy is its weakness to purge out such elements. The reason for its weakness is its social laboratory settings in allowing such ideas to circulate so society-at-large could later decide in keeping or purging out, through voting, the weaker ideas. The weakness of liberal democracy, through pure innocence, is it allows the infected party to control public policy. This one time opportunity, the stage of pure innocence, is the chance where liberal democracy could be put to death until the people see it and stop the injustice.

The groups of social conscious are political parties expressing such awareness of the business cycles and the social affects of the business firms. Here, we identify that these groups are not necessarily communists or marxists. In fact, the communist party and marxists belong solely in the academia field rather than being openly involved in the political field. The reason is because their implementation, at this stage of human development, would be disastrous for us all. While their ideas, treated as futuristic visions, should be for later implementations.

The common constant being the survival of the human race. The pursuit of social justice, over the years or eons or eras, among human beings brings evidence of the previously mentioned constant. Social justice, and neither religion nor traditions, has been the guardian of the human race against the continuous onslaught of new technology.

The book by Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan - contributed to the idea of social contract. Another political philosopher by the name of Jean-Jacques Rousseau wrote another treatise called On the Social Contract which also explains Social Contract Theory. The pursuit of social justice is the driving force of Social Contract Theory. The reasons are civil order and civil liberties derive from the Social Contract Theory. Social Contract Theory has drawn up borders between human beings in society expressing their own individualistic natural rights. The act of creating these borders, between the natural rights of human beings, is called civil liberties. Therefore, civil liberties are the remaining difference of natural rights left after being subtracted by a state entity. In the legal field, the mentioned remainders are called negative rights. When the government adds more definition to rights these later creations are called positive rights.

Today or presently (within the year of 2016), the fear of Tyrannaphobia has gripped most liberal democracies. The term was mentioned by Thomas Hobbes as he described the episode of the English puritan movement in their fear of being strongly governed or as today where the current fear is a strong centralized government ruling society. Of course, such mantra is championed by conservative persons and social reactionaries. I propose that such fear, of being strongly governed, will be a permanent feature in the future. It will be because of the power of the few which will be mentioned in a later chapter.

In fact, my theory is that Tyrannaphobia derives from liberalism or the liberalization of conservative cored power over years. It was bound to happen as the human race approached A.D. 1500 - the beginning of the modern era. During this time, in Germany or continental Europe, the phenomena of the Anabaptist movement was occurring in many areas. Through individuals like Melchior Hoffman and others, the Apocalyptic fervor claimed many victims. These individuals, without Melchior, took control of the German city called Münster. They claimed the city to be "New Jerusalem" and imposed social restrictions for the years A.D. 1534-1535.

The Münster Rebellion occurred after the Great Peasants' War (1524-1525). These Anabaptist social rebellions are rooted in the liberal spirit. However, under the meaning of preserving traditions or maintaining religious foundations. Of course, one of the participants of the Great Peasants' War was Thomas Müntzer. The problem of the Anabaptist rebellion created the Anabaptist impulse. The Anabaptist impulse, even though an internal Christian problem, has affected human society. The Anabaptist impulse is really an exhibit of the religion's failure to address modern technological questions within human society. This could be observed through the evolution of Dispensationalism to Millennialism explained in the earlier chapters.

Thomas Hobbes explains this problem directly concerning the failure of this traditional and conservative impulse to regain control of human society from the effects of technology. On page 183, Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes provides the observation:

" ... Not considering the frequent Seditions, and Civil wars, produced by the imperfection of their Policy ..."

Thomas Hobbes properly addressed the problem because the puritans relied on ancient Greek philosophers like Plato to keep society traditional. Plato, and Greek philosophers like him, relying on the "unseen measure" to dictate and control society through the Parliament of Saints. Such measures created the spectacle of civil war against fellow Catholics and others. Thomas Hobbes later goes on to develop the Social Contract Theory and its importance to create civility through secularism.

If we look back at the Book of Revelation by John, he attacks "Nominal" Christians and separates them into a different category (Revelation 3:16). Such notions means that the problem originated early in Christian history. The previous would suggest that there is a pre-modern and modern era Anabaptist impulse.