Chapter 31 - The Power of the Few Curve
The power of the few is the result concerning the dynamics between the business firms and the current manifested forms of government. It is suggested, in the absence of a near communist utopia, the business firms are the actual rulers of society. They are the gate keepers for what is allowed in society. For instance, they allow which religion is to be expressed within a specific country and society. They control the courts and legislative body. They control which spatial geographic features are constructed on land and sea. They control what is consumed and produced. The previous more so as factual during the modern age.
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The Power of the Few Curve |
The above representation shows that on the right the conservative core existed in the past. The conservative core represented the single ruler. These single rulers were the monarchs and past tribal leaders. The usual leadership pattern of the past is a feature of the pre-modern era: single ruler reinforced with the derivatives of religious beliefs. However; when modernism, along with the proliferation of science and technology, became a predominant feature of human consciousness then the noted few ruled the said country. The reason is because the modern era removed the divinity and fear of the sole ruler. The power shifted, because of the ever onslaught of science and technology, to the few business owners (or a few persons even in a non-technological communist country). This power shift is a liberalization of the past conservative ruling political power. The RED LINE are the business owners operating within a liberal democracy and political landscape. If allowed to proliferate, during the condition of this time period, then it would become a neoliberal identification and general political condition. It would be logical to conclude where the red line meets the curve the neoliberal condition exists. It would be called the Neo-Liberal vertex point. The destination point, towards the lower right, is the condition of near communist utopia. Which is a condition where government no longer exists because high technology circulating within society would at this time dissolve government of any form. The state entity was simply a tool by communists to achieve this condition. The previous is a distinguishing argument between anarchists and communists. Anarchists are for total destruction of government without taking control of government or the existence of high technology. Communists would dissolve the business firms immediately, to centralize the government control of society, and then introduce the high technological industries themselves to attain the near communist utopia. Of course, history has shown that when communists attempt to do this it results in the opposite affect with the removal civil liberties. The red space is therefore the theoretical separation between a functioning technological liberal democracy and the near communist utopia condition. The former is more practical and the latter a theoretical construct.
The functioning technological liberal democracy allows the input of the business firms in society but controls them through sensible legislation and regulations. The "sensible" compass directed by the measure of nature rather than mankind or the unseen measure. This is shown as it heads towards the right point but is separated, theoretically, from the near communist utopian point. Most importantly, in a functioning technological liberal democracy, civil liberties are preserved in a republican form of government. The meaning of "republican" is the absence of a pure democracy and that a representative republic is operating. The meaning of "liberal" is the separation of conservative core representation of political power through a single leader. Such regulations of the business firms is more possibly a reality as global warming becomes the norm.
The evolution of the conservative core and its derivatives
The showcase of such evolution is shown between the four gospels. The change of theme between the Pauline Dispensationalist documents (The three Gospels of Matthew, Luke and Mark) and the Millennial document (The Gospel of John). The previous thoroughly explained, in an earlier chapter, concerning the Book of Hebrews and its questionable authorship. In the pre-modern era, religions reinforced the leadership of human society. Only in ancient Greece, the absence of religions, as a philosophical thought, was allowed to exist in a social laboratory setting expressed in one or many of the city-states. In a general debate, the previous, such philosophical expressions was expressed by those exposing its absence and the reinforcement of beliefs through two ancient Greek philosophical trends: The sophists' "Man is the measure of all things" and Plato's "Unseen measure".
What has been observed since the dawn of the modern age, since the 1500s, is the decrease of the importance of the conservative cored leadership of a single government entity in a single person. Furthermore, what has occurred is the proliferation of religious sects since 1500. The introduction of secular conservative manifestations and movements has also occurred after the late 1700s. The Industrial revolution has not only increased the proliferation of consuming products but also increased conservative reactions to the influx of technology into society. The previous is why these conservative manifestations, and its derivatives, are termed "reactionary". While the liberal actions, like the increase of pro-environmental consciousness, has resulted in pro-environmental movements. Liberal actions are such as "actionary" because it deals with the problem as a current reality and does not convey nostalgic tribal sentiments.
These social manifestations are both liberal and reactionary conservative. The liberal component is more in the acceptance of such phenomena while the "reactionary" is simply a nostalgic attempt to psychologically capture the pre-modern era within the age of technological and industrial advancements. The latter is more dangerous because weapons of war are more sophisticated than the previous era of pre-modernism. The previous is why the separation of religion and government must be observed by all current governments after the irreversible social process of modernism.
The increase of more religious sects are also more common as the religious interpretations attempt to parallel, and explain away, technological and scientific advancements into society by the business firms. The previous Biblical showcase has presented this social phenomena with the transformation of the Dispensational viewpoint into the Millennial viewpoint within the New Testament canon.
These social conservative reactions, and reactionary movements, has not only endangered the human race but has disrupted liberal democracy. It has created setbacks to the forward movement of the transformation of the social/political phases of early liberal democracy into full technological liberal democracy where civil liberties are preserved.
Such setbacks are allowed to fester during the competing shifts between the few on top of the money pyramid. These setbacks occur because some business firms benefit from old technology while preventing new technology from being manufactured and introduced into society. The previous competition exhibited between the business firms should be allowed but within the framework of keeping a functioning liberal democracy.
The definition of a Liberal person is a person who has accepted the realities of the current proliferation of knowledge and science throughout society. The Liberal person is therefore freeing themselves from the old spirit of the conservative cored leadership, and its current fossilized social derivatives, by embracing the new realities of modernism. "Liber" is the root of where the definition "Liberal" derives and it means to free the person from the conservative pre-modern plethora of notions. This is where the "individualism" of Alexis De Tocqueville, in Democracy in America, derives from. The previous is a summary of Alexis' observation concerning America and its dynamics between the business firm entity, government and persons. Out of his many observations and predictions, the danger of the business firm(s) taking over government was one of his fears. The previous, neoliberal condition, is a threat to the existence of the young American republic.
Alexis explains the previous in one chapter of his book - Democracy in America - where individualism is fully evaluated according to the social laboratory settings of his era. In the chapter - Chapter IV(4) That the Americans combat the effects of individualism by Free Institutions - Alexis gives us a conservative viewpoint or lenses to the American liberal condition. It must be noted that Alexis' views are tainted with conservative viewpoints with some hints of truth.
Alexis' "individualism" was noted as an American feature and has some important showcases despite the various flaws in American history........
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